De ulike typene av creators
Det kan være vanskelig å finne den rette creator for markedsføringskampanjen din, fordi det finnes så mange forskjellige typer creators som passer til alle nisjer. Du har sikkert hørt om ROI-hypen, og det er absolutt noe å glede seg over; influencer markedsføring regnes som en av de mest effektive formene for digital markedsføring. Det gjør det enda viktigere å velge riktig creator .
I denne artikkelen tar vi for oss 7 ulike typer creators og går dypere inn i hver av deres styrker og hva de kan gjøre for merkevaren din.
Organisk creators
Ikke undervurder kraften til dine organiske creators. De er dine kunder, følgere eller rett og slett mennesker som allerede er en del av merkevaresamfunnet ditt.
Hvorfor bør du jobbe meddem?
Organisk creators er løsningen hvis du vil nå ut til målgruppen din. I likhet med nano- og mikro creators har de også en genuin affinitet med merkevaren din, de er dine største fans! De skaper også autentisk innhold for deg og fungerer godt for kostnadseffektive partnerskap. Når du viser at du anerkjenner dem, blir de enda mer motiverte til å skape innhold for deg og til og med stimulere til salg.
Organisk creators er som nano- og mikro influencers perfekt for å øke merkevarebevisstheten. De kjenner merkevaren og produktene dine bedre enn noen andre, og er derfor ypperlige til å dele produktomtaler og veiledninger. Det er mer sannsynlig at forbrukerne stoler på andre som har opplevd produktene dine før. Dette gjør dem også perfekte for henvisningsmarkedsføring.
Nano creators
Starting with: nano creators. They are creators that have between 1.000 – 8.000 followers. They are most active on Instagram, TikTok and in some cases Facebook, LinkedIn or have a blog.
Why should you work with them?
If your goal is to aim for a high engagement rate or want them to have genuine affinity with your brand then they are the fit for you. Nano creators also work well for cost-effective partnerships.
They are perfect for creating local and nationwide brand awareness. For example if you want to promote your new restaurant or hosting a specific event, these local heroes can put you out on the map. They can also be the right type to promote seasonal product lines.
Nano creators are the right choice if you want to create a ‘oil spot’ where a high number of creators can target a big department of your target audience at a relative low cost.
Micro creators
One level up, we’ve got the micro creators. They have around 8.000 – 80.000 followers and are most active on Instagram.
Why should you work with them?
Like nano creators, micro creators can help you reach a high engagement rate. In general they also have genuine affinity with your brand and work well for cost-effective partnerships. However, they often have highly targeted niche audiences as well, making it easier for you as a brand to reach your niche audience. Barter deals work well for micro as well as nano creators.
Micro creators are perfect to raise awareness for your brand and know well how to present your product or service to their followers through review and product how-tos. Got a niche product you want to launch? Go find your micro influencer who matches that specific niche to target the right audience. You can expect from these types of creators that they fully understand their niche and followers and how to get the right message out there for maximum results.
Rising stars a.k.a macro creators
The rising stars. Creators that are paving their way to the top of the creator pyramid. They are most active on Instagram, Youtube and TikTok where they have a following of 80.000 to 200.000 followers. Rising star creators are often associated with an agent whereas nano and micro creators are more likely to act on their own. From here on, make sure your budget meets their fees in order to propose a fair offer.
Why you should work with them?
Besides raising brand awareness, rising stars can help to boost sales on a bigger scale. By collaborating with them you can also reach new audiences and they are great to build your brand’s social presence. Looking a face to present your brand online? Rising stars are your solution.
They are also perfect to raise national and regional awareness on a bigger scale and can stimulate traffic to your website. If you have a new product that needs to be launched with a bang, rising star creators can help you make that happen.
Mega creators
Mega creators have a follower base above 200.000. Just like the rising stars, they are mostly active on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. They are comparable to rising stars but have reached another level as they have a higher impact on their followers and bigger reach.
Why you should work with them?
If your campaign is focusing on mass-market promotion, mega influencers can help you obtain that. They are able to reach a mainstream, broad audience and create high awareness for you brand. Like rising star creators, they can als ohelp you build your brand’s social presence.
They are a perfect fit to create high brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. You can also fit them in for you product launches and affiliate campaigns. Over the years they’ve build up a great community of loyal followers making it easier to influence and inspire them.
Celebrity creators
Celebrity creators are the top trier creators of the creator pyramid. They have over half a million followers and are mostly active on Instagram and TikTok. Over the years they’ve reach celebrity status through the content they’ve been sharing and the community they’ve build up.
Why you should work with them?
If you want to raise global brand awareness, celebrity creators can help you achieve it. With their celebrity status they can reach your audience on a global scale. Celebrity creators are also helpfull for mass-market productionpromotions thanks to their following base and impact.
With their knowledge and experiences they can also help you construct your brand image and reputation. At last, celebrity endorsements and branding can significantly increase sales. It can cause the value of stocks rise and increase sales by about 4 percent!
Like mega creators they can be of help for your large-scale ad campaigns or being your brand ambassador. Especially for a long-term partnership. Making them a host for your event or patron will take your event to another level.
Key Opinion Leaders
Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) are creators with a following between 5.000 and 500.000. They are most active on LinkedIn, Twitter and blogs. KOL are a whole different kind of creators compared to the ones we discussed so far. They have a strong following with the public outside of social media. Think for example about politicians, presenters, head of companies, etc.
Hvorfor bør du jobbe med dem?
Som alle andre typer creator vi har nevnt, er de gode for å øke merkevarebevisstheten. Men de kan også øke troverdigheten til merkevaren din! De er spesialister på sine spesifikke felt, noe som gjør innholdet deres mer virkningsfullt.
KOL passer perfekt hvis kampanjen din er rettet mot B2B-partnere, for å øke merkevarebevisstheten eller hvis du ønsker å promotere et arrangement.
Hvem er jeg på utkikk etter?
Hvis merkevaren din er i en nisjebransje, passer nano og mikro creators best. De støttes av lojale fellesskap som er skapt rundt spesifikke temaer.
Har du som mål å utvikle bransjelederskap og skape merkevarebevissthet? Det er opinionsledere du er ute etter. Du kan oppnå dette ved å bruke dem gjennom deres kanaler, som podcaster, tidsskrifter og bransjemedier.
Hvis du har en stor kunde- eller abonnentbase, bør du vurdere fordelene ved å bruke kundene eller abonnentene dine som merkevareambassadører. Deres førstehåndskunnskap om produktene eller tjenestene dine gjør dem til ideelle ambassadører for bedriften din!
Når du har identifisert hvilke typer creators du trenger, kan du begynne å lete. Vil du ha hjelp med det? Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt med Customer Success Manager. Vi er alltid der for å hjelpe deg. Og ikke glem å bruke filtrene i nettverket vårt. Du kan søke gjennom det basert på kategorier, rekkevidde, troverdighet og mye mer, slik at du kan finne den rette creators du leter etter!